Win 1 of 15 Fat Murf Bikes - Parramatta Leagues Club
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Win 1 of 15 Fat Murf Bikes

Valid 1 September to 31 October

To be in with the chance to win 1 of 15 Fat Murf electric bikes.* All you have to do is purchase 2 Jim beam and Coke pre mixes or 2 Canadian Club & Dry Bottles to receive you QR Code.

Once you receive your code, scan and visit the website to complete the online entry form. Make sure you fill out all the details.

Good luck!

*T&Cs apply. Limit of 1 game card per transaction, per person, per day. This promotion is run by Coca-Cola Australia, they will contact the winners. see AU res 18+. Starts 1/09/2022. Ends 11:55pm AEDST 31/10/2022. Limit 1 entry p/transaction. Limit of 2 entries p/person p/day (exl NSW where there is a limit of 1 entry p/person p/day). Draw: S5 Erina Plaza. 210 Central Cost Hwy Erina NSW 2250 on 14/11/2022 at 2pm AEDST. prizes 15 x Fat Murf Electric Bike valued at $3,299 each. Promoter: Beam Suntory Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 85 003 953 357) of 100 Pacific Hwy. North Sydney NSW 2060. Permits: NSW TP/00090 ACT. TP22/00826 SA. T22/640.