FAQ on PNRL Constitution - Parramatta Leagues Club
FAQ on PNRL Constitution

5 September 2024

The governance framework for the Parramatta Leagues Club was introduced to address historical challenges and ensure the Club’s long-term stability and success. The governance challenges stemmed from the same seven directors overseeing both the Parramatta Leagues Club and the Parramatta National Rugby League Club (PNRL). This led to conflicts of interest, lack of strategic direction, and inefficiencies in decision-making processes.

Between 2009 and 2016, the Club faced significant governance issues, including a high turnover of directors and senior management, and a toxic political environment during elections. Nine Parramatta Leagues Club Directors were declared unfit by the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority (ILGA), and the Parramatta Leagues Club had to provide over $50 million in additional funding to the Football Club despite poor performance. In 2016, the situation reached a critical point, leading to intervention by the Liquor and Gaming Authority (ILGA) and the NSW Government, which placed the Parramatta Leagues Club under administration.

The new Governance Framework, introduced by the ILGA appointed Administrator, includes key components such as board restructuring (separate Parramatta Leagues Club and Parramatta National Rugby Leagues Club boards, ensures that each Board can focus on its specific mission), a clear strategic vision, enhanced accountability, and member engagement. The framework aimed to restore member trust and reposition the Parramatta Leagues Club for sustainable success.

Since the framework’s introduction, the Parramatta Leagues Club has made significant strides in restoring financial stability. The reforms have laid a solid foundation for more effective leadership, enabling the Parramatta Leagues Club to navigate challenges with greater resilience and better meet its commitments to members and the broader community.

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